Weather Message Siren Controller is a computer based automatic or manual siren controller. 
Manual activation of sirens.
All sirens.
One or more individually.
One or more groups of sirens.
User drawn polygon.
User drawn circle.
Automatic activation of sirens.
User selected National Weather Service products.
- Tornado
- Severe Thunderstorm
- Civil Emergencies
- Etc
Uses National Weather Service polygons.
Can be configured to activate by polygon or all sirens.
Compatible with DTMF and Two-Tone Sirens.

Interfaces with your existing radio equipment.
External Encoders
- Zetron Model 15P – Two-Tone, DTMF
- Motronics TC1/MX – DTMF
Windows Sound Card
- Uses simple radio interface device.
- Supports DTMF and Two-Tone
Can be configured for weekly or monthly tests.
Uses a GIS engine for accurate mapping.
- Supports standard shape files.
- Load your own road layers.
- Automatic labeling of roads.
- Add landmarks.
Supports Windows Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012R2, and Windows Server 2016.